Girl Life Wiki - Clothing (2025)

Note: The clothing system was revamped in version 0.8.2, and parts of this article are now outdated. -Pocket

Clothes have a number of different characteristics:


There are 13 different clothing categories of clothing, which are mostly based on where the clothes are sold and what purpose they are used for. This is sometimes specifically tested and has some in-game effects (see below). It also has a major effect on how much the clothing costs (eg. all else being equal, formal clothing will cost twenty times as much as cheap clothing).


Clothing quality is measured on a scale of 1-7 (eg. 2 is very low quality, 5 is reasonable quality). The quality of a piece of clothing has a multiplicative effect on how much it improves the PC's Attractiveness when worn (all else being equal, very low quality clothing will have 40% of the Attractiveness bonus of reasonable quality clothing). Quality also affects how much the clothing costs, although not to the same extent as category (on average, and if bought from the same location, very low quality clothing will cost 88% as much as reasonable quality clothing). Finally, it has some effect on the starting Condition of the clothing.


How much of the PC's figure the clothing reveals by virtue of how tight or thin it is. This affects how Attractive the PC is when she wears the clothing (i.e. the more revealing the better).


How much of the top half of the PC's body is revealed by the clothing. This is further affected by the PC's bust size, and affects how Attractive the PC is when she wears the clothing (i.e. the more revealing the better).


How much of the bottom half of the PC's body is revealed by the clothing. This affects how Attractive the PC is when she wears the clothing (i.e. the more revealing the better).


Each piece of clothing has an Inhibition score based on how revealing it is. All exercise clothing has an Inhibition score of 0. Swimwear ranges from 0 to 50. All other clothes range from 0 to 35.

  • if the clothing's Inhibition score is higher than the PC's Inhibition, she won't feel confident enough to wear it.

  • if the PC's Inhibition is less than 10 points higher than the clothing's Inhibition score, the PC will find it exciting to wear it (which earns Inhibition XP).


Some pieces of clothing have a specific style (see below). With the exception of outfits that can be used for prostitution, this is mostly invisible and has little effect on the game.


Clothes are sized for the PC as she is when she first acquires them. If she then gains or loses a lot of weight, they will no longer fit her and will have to be resized (this costs 500 RUB per item at the tailor, or one piece of fabric if Tailoring is 60 or higher). The exceptions to this are exercise clothes, and the handful of clothes with the "loose fit" style.


Clothes can be damaged, and will eventually wear out. If the PC's Tailoring is 60 or higher, there is a 30% chance of repairing the clothes (and a 70% chance of the clothes being converted to fabric)

Skirt or Pants?

This has the greatest effects, not all of which are what you would expect (eg. if the PC is wearing pants, none of the named NPCs at the disco will ask her to dance).


Some clothes are considered bimbo clothing, which means that PC's [[Bimbo Level]] is increased by wearing them (unless this is turned off by a cheat).



  • sold at (x1 price multiplier)

  • can also be bought at market (x0.75 price multiplier)

  • no in game effects


  • sold at Pussy-Cats (x3 price multiplier)

  • no in game effects


  • sold at Fashionista (x8 price multiplier)

  • Natasha Lebedev will comment on the PC wearing expensive or formal clothes

  • increases chance that someone will ask the PC to dance when she is standing around at the disco

  • expensive or formal clothes are a requirement for triggering the dress scam outside train station

  • Tamara/husband may want PC to wear something expensive or formal in certain circumstances


  • sold at Patchwork Dolls (x3.5 price multiplier)

  • no in game effects


  • sold at Mon Cheri (x20 price multiplier)

  • Natasha Lebedev will comment on the PC wearing expensive or formal clothes

  • expensive or formal clothes are a requirement for triggering the dress scam outside train station

  • Tamara/husband may want PC to wear something expensive or formal in certain circumstances

  • required to dine at Babel

  • triggers event with Rima


  • sold at (x1.5 price multiplier)

  • required for PC to enter school (unless cheat activated)

  • changes random boyfriend encounters slightly


  • sold at Danilovich Sporting Goods (x2 price multiplier)

  • provides less (i.e. two-thirds) Attractiveness than its quality, thinness, etc. normally would

  • does not need to be resized

  • required to exercise in public

  • decreases Stamina cost of activities using the new exercise system by 10%


  • sold at Danilovich Sporting Goods (x1.75 price multiplier)

  • required to go swimming or sunbathe (unless PC can go naked)


  • sold at (x2 price multiplier)

  • required to work at office

  • can improve teaching reputation


  • sold at (x2 price multiplier)

  • required for live-in maid job


  • sold at sex shop (x1.5 price multiplier)

  • no in game effects


  • sold at Expression of You ([[Kseniya]]'s shop) (x1 price multiplier)

  • can get the PC into club (although any short skirt or shorter pants will do)

  • increases chance of being attacked by rapist


  • sold at sex shop (x1 price multiplier)

  • no in game effects



  • required for prostitution in most cases (eg. street walker)

  • won't be allowed into club


  • does not need to be resized


  • required for live-in maid job


  • no in game effects


  • no in game effects


  • no in game effects


  • no in game effects


  • no in game effects

Girl Life Wiki - Clothing (2025)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.