How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (2024)

Jun 25, 2024

Ariffud M.

10min Read

ARK: Survival Evolved is an ever-popular open-world crippled that challenges players to past successful a harsh enviroment filled pinch dinosaurs and different prehistoric creatures.

Its successor, ARK: Survival Ascended, offers enhanced graphics and improved performance, making nan gameplay moreover much enjoyable.

Setting up your ain dedicated server for ARK provides galore benefits complete playing connected nationalist servers, specified arsenic customizable crippled trouble levels, subordinate slots, and mods. You tin besides build a backstage organization pinch friends and power server wipes and resets, preventing unexpected information loss.

In this article, you’ll study really to group up, configure, and negociate a dedicated ARK server. Whether you’re playing Survival Evolved aliases Survival Ascended, our broad guideline will thief you get started pinch your crippled server.


Here are nan hardware specifications to tally an ARK dedicated server, which are applicable to some versions. Please statement that these requirements are based connected resources utilized aft installing 1 server.

  • Operating system. 64-bit major Linux distributions aliases immoderate presently supported Windows server aliases desktop.
  • CPU. At slightest a dual-core Intel aliases AMD-based processor.
  • RAM. A minimum of 12 GB of RAM.
  • Storage. At slightest 20 GB of free difficult disk space.

For a soft ARK server installation, usage a unchangeable net connection, whether broadband aliases Wi-Fi.

If you want to big nan crippled connected a Linux VPS, we urge having a basal knowing of Secure Shell (SSH) and Linux commands. These skills are basal for ARK server setup and guidance done nan bid statement interface (CLI).

How to Set up a Dedicated ARK Server Using Hostinger Game Panel

Using Hostinger’s Game Panel is nan easiest measurement to group up a dedicated ARK server. Available connected each our crippled hosting plans, this graphical personification interface (GUI) instrumentality helps you instal and negociate your crippled server pinch minimal effort.

This attack is suitable for beginners aliases players who want to quickly bask nan crippled connected their server alternatively than dealing pinch a analyzable manual setup process.

Here are nan steps to get your ain ARK server up and moving connected Hostinger’s Game Panel:

  1. Choose a crippled server scheme that meets your needs. Based connected nan requirements successful nan erstwhile section, we highly urge Game Panel 4 pinch a quad-core AMD processor, 16 GB RAM, and 200 GB NVMe storage.
  2. After purchasing, travel nan on-screen onboarding instructions to prime a server location adjacent your subordinate guidelines and create a unafraid password for your Game Panel profile.
  3. Access nan VPS dashboard and spell to nan Panel access tab. Click nan login URL to unfastened Game Panel.
How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (1)
  1. Enter your username and password connected nan login page.
  2. After logging in, click Create Instance and take either ARK: Survival Ascended aliases ARK: Survival Evolved from nan dropdown menu.
How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (2)
  1. Assign a unsocial server sanction and click Create Instance.
  2. Wait for nan installation to complete wrong 10-15 minutes. Once done, click Manage to research your recently created ARK server.
  3. In nan Status menu, you tin spot your instance’s moving indicator, assets usage, and action buttons to start, restart, and extremity nan server. There’s besides accusation astir nan server IP and larboard for players to subordinate your server.
How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (3)
  1. Access Configuration to research precocious ARK server options, including tweaking Cluster, Gameplay, Multiplier, and Structure settings.
How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (4)
  1. Use nan Backup characteristic to create and reconstruct backups of your crippled server data. Meanwhile, Support and Updates is useful for updating your crippled lawsuit erstwhile a caller type is disposable and getting assistance if needed.

Congratulations connected successfully mounting up your ARK dedicated server. You’re now fresh to embark connected epic adventures, tame dinosaurs, and build bases pinch your friends.

How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (5)

How to Run a Dedicated ARK Server Manually

In this section, we’ll show really to manually create an ARK: SA server connected a Debian 11 VPS. Players choosing ARK: SE mightiness request to usage somewhat different commands.

1. Get a Gaming VPS

To tally a dedicated ARK server, nan first measurement is to get a reliable gaming VPS service. Here are cardinal considerations erstwhile choosing a gaming provider:

  • Performance. Make judge nan VPS offers capable CPU and RAM to grip nan demands of hosting an ARK server.
  • Storage. Look for ARK VPS hosting plans pinch ample storage, preferably NVMe SSD, to guarantee accelerated read/write speeds and capable abstraction for crippled files.
  • Server locations. Choose a supplier pinch aggregate server locations astir nan globe to minimize latency erstwhile playing nan game.
  • Access and control. Ensure afloat administrative entree to nan server truthful you tin wholly power your server software.
  • Scalability. Opt for a VPS work that allows easy upgrades to higher plans arsenic your server’s needs grow, ensuring you tin standard resources without downtime.

As 1 of the champion crippled server hosting providers, Hostinger excels successful each these areas, making it an perfect solution for hosting ARK dedicated servers. Our crippled hosting plans connection up to 8-core AMD CPUs, 32 GB of RAM, and 400 GB of NVMe storage to guarantee apical performance.

To supply nan champion gameplay acquisition for players worldwide, you tin take server locations disposable successful Asia, Europe, North America, and South America.

Built connected VPS, Hostinger grants you afloat guidelines entree to nan server, allowing you to customize your games to your liking, including installing civilization mods.

Last but not least, Hostinger’s crippled hosting work is easy scalable, meaning that you tin turn your server arsenic needed. This is peculiarly beneficial erstwhile your subordinate guidelines expands aliases you want to group up aggregate dedicated servers nether 1 account.

How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (6)

Suggested Reading

Interested successful hosting aggregate games connected a server? Check retired our curated database of nan best games to instal connected a dedicated server, including nan latest gaming astonishment Palworld aliases classics for illustration Minecraft and Counter-Strike.

2. Set up Your VPS

After selecting a reliable gaming VPS, it’s clip to group up your server. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Open a distant console server entree instrumentality like PuTTY aliases your terminal to log successful to your VPS via SSH. Run nan pursuing command, replacing username and your_server_ip pinch your existent credentials:

ssh username@your_server_ip

  1. Update and upgrade your server’s package lists and installed packages to guarantee you person nan latest versions:

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

  1. Install nan software-properties-common package to your Debian system. This package allows you to adhd further architectures and repositories to nan package manager:

sudo apt instal software-properties-common

  1. Add nan i386 architecture to your system, arsenic we request it to entree 32-bit package for illustration SteamCMD successful nan consequent step:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

  1. Update your server’s disposable repositories and package managers:

sudo apt-add-repository non-free

sudo apt update

3. Download ARK Server Files

Next, instal SteamCMD, configure a caller user, and download nan ARK dedicated server files. Here’s really to do so:

  1. Use this bid to instal SteamCMD, nan command-line type of nan Steam client, to download and update crippled servers:

sudo apt instal steamcmd

  1. For information reasons, it’s champion to tally nan ARK server nether a dedicated user. Create a caller personification pinch a location directory. Here, we sanction it arkuser:

sudo useradd -m arkuser

  1. Switch to arkuser and navigate to its location directory by executing these commands:

sudo -u arkuser -s

cd ~

  1. Use SteamCMD to download nan ARK: Survival Ascended server files:

/usr/games/steamcmd +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux +force_install_dir /home/arkuser/arkserver +login anonymous +app_update 376030 validate +quit

  1. For ARK: Survival Evolved, tally nan pursuing bid instead, replacing 376030 pinch 346110:

/usr/games/steamcmd +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux +force_install_dir /home/arkuser/arkserver +login anonymous +app_update 346110 validate +quit

  1. Wait astir 10 to 15 minutes for nan download to finish. Once completed, move backmost to nan guidelines personification with:


4. Configure Your ARK Server

Now, you request to create a work to tally nan ARK server. While you tin besides initiate it pinch nan server executable file, utilizing a work lets you start, stop, and negociate nan crippled server arsenic a inheritance process. Here are nan steps:

  1. Create nan work record and unfastened the nano editor by moving nan following:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/arkserver.service

  1. Add nan pursuing contented to this record to specify nan ARK server service:


Description=ARK Dedicated Server












ExecStartPre=/usr/games/steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir /home/arkuser/arkserver +app_update 376030 validate +exit

ExecStart=/home/arkuser/arkserver/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer <MAPNAME>?listen?SessionName=<SERVERNAME>?ServerPassword=<SERVERPASSWORD>?ServerAdminPassword=<ADMINPASSWORD> -server -log -crossplay


  1. Customize nan <MAPNAME>, <SERVERNAME>, <SERVERPASSWORD>, and <ADMINPASSWORD> values successful arkserver.service. For nan map, you tin usage nan default TheIsland aliases different valid representation names for illustration TheCenter, ScorchedEarth_P, and Ragnarok.
  2. If you’re configuring an ARK: SE server, retrieve to switch nan Environment=SteamAppId worth pinch 346110.
  3. After editing nan file, prevention your changes and exit nano by pressing Ctrl + X → Y → Enter.

5. Start nan ARK Server

Once you’re done pinch nan ARK server configuration, you tin commencement managing your dedicated server. Follow nan instructions to motorboat ARK:

  1. Ensure your server starts automatically astatine footwear by enabling nan service:

sudo systemctl alteration arkserver

  1. Start nan ARK server work utilizing nan command:

sudo systemctl commencement arkserver

  1. Verify that nan ARK server is moving correctly by checking its status:

sudo systemctl position arkserver

  1. You should spot nan pursuing output, indicating that nan server is so active:
How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (7)
  1. To exit from nan server position surface without terminating nan server, property Ctrl + C.
  2. If you request to extremity nan server for immoderate reason, execute nan bid below:

sudo systemctl extremity arkserver

  1. To reboot nan server, for example, aft applying changes to nan configuration file, run:

sudo systemctl restart arkserver

You’ve successfully created your ain ARK server utilizing a manual method. Now, induce your friends aliases chap survivors to subordinate and bask nan thrilling escapade together.

Maintaining Your Dedicated ARK Server

It’s important to guarantee nan soft cognition and longevity of your ARK dedicated server. Here are immoderate server attraction tips you tin implement.

Server Updates and Optimization

Regular updates and server optimization are important to maintaining a high-performing and unchangeable ARK server, which will amended nan acquisition for each players.

Schedule Server Updates

Regularly update your server files to use from nan latest features, bug fixes, and information patches. For players installing nan dedicated ARK server done Hostinger’s Game Panel, here’s really to schedule server updates:

  1. Open your game’s lawsuit and spell to Schedule → Add New Trigger.
How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (8)
  1. Select Event Trigger → An update is disposable via SteamCMD → Add Trigger.
How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (9)
  1. Click Add New Task → Update nan exertion and restart if it was antecedently moving → Add Task.
How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (10)

You tin besides usage a cron job to automate nan server updates. For example, to update your server regular astatine midnight, adhd nan pursuing to your crontab:

0 0 * * * /usr/games/steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir /home/arkuser/arkserver +app_update 376030 validate +quit

Automatically Save World Data

Configure your server to prevention world information astatine regular intervals automatically. This ensures that you don’t suffer advancement owed to unexpected server crashes aliases restarts.

To do so, entree Configuration → ARK Server Settings via Game Panel. Scroll down to nan Auto Save Period section and group nan interval successful minutes according to your needs.

How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (11)

Alternatively, tally nan pursuing bid to unfastened nan server configuration record named GameUserSettings.ini:

nano /home/arkuser/arkserver/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/GameUserSettings.ini

Then, adhd nan pursuing statement nether nan [ServerSettings] section, replacing 15 pinch your desired interval:


Port Forwarding and Network Configuration

If you use Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) connected your VPS, you request to unfastened circ*mstantial ARK ports to let postulation to your server.

Open Firewall Ports

ARK servers typically require nan pursuing ports to beryllium open:

  • Game Port (UDP). 7777
  • Query Port (UDP). 27015
  • Socket Port (UDP). 7778
  • RCON Port (TCP). 27020

In Game Panel, spell to your instance’s Main Menu and click nan Network Settings icon.

How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (12)

Then, group up nan correct larboard settings for your ARK server according to nan numbers listed above.

How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (13)

If you’re much comfortable utilizing nan bid prompt, tally these commands successful your terminal:

sudo ufw let 7777/udp

sudo ufw let 27015/udp

sudo ufw let 7778/udp

sudo ufw let 27020/tcp

sudo ufw reload

Configure Router Port Forwarding

To guarantee players tin link to your server from extracurricular your section network, you request to configure larboard forwarding connected your router. Follow these instructions:

  1. Access your router’s settings page by entering its IP reside into your web browser.
  2. Find nan larboard forwarding section, which is often nether nan Advanced aliases Network settings.
  3. Set nan soul IP reside to your VPS IP.
  4. Forward nan Game Port (7777 UDP), Query Port (27015 UDP), Socket Port (7778 UDP), and RCON Port (27020 TCP).

Managing Server Settings and Player Slots

Ensure a soft gaming acquisition for each players by adjusting subordinate slots and different server settings that impact each players equally.

Adjust Server Settings via Game Panel

On Game Panel, spell to Configuration → ARK Server Settings. Here, you tin find options to group nan maximum number of players, prime nan default map, database allowed ARK server mods, assistance circ*mstantial players based connected their IPs, and footwear idle gamers.

Configure Server Options by Editing nan Configuration File:

You tin besides edit nan GameUserSettings.ini record to customize parameters specified arsenic subordinate limits, server passwords, and basal crippled mechanics:





Customizing Gameplay Parameters

Game parameters are configurations that impact nan subordinate experience, specified arsenic really accelerated they summation experience, really quickly they tame creatures, aliases really galore resources they gather.

Customize Gameplay via Game Panel

For Hostinger customers mounting up nan server connected Game Panel, navigate to Configuration → ARK Gameplay Settings. There are plentifulness of options you tin customize to heighten nan gameplay, from enabling a third-person position to preventing spawn animation.

How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (14)

Edit Gameplay via GameUserSettings.ini and Game.ini

You tin besides find these settings successful nan GameUserSettings.ini record nether nan [ServerSettings] section:

  • Modify nan acquisition summation complaint to make leveling up faster aliases slower:


  • Speed up aliases slow down nan taming process:


  • Increase aliases alteration nan magnitude of resources gathered by players:


  • Customize nan magnitude of time and nighttime cycles to suit your server’s gameplay style:



Specifically, to set nan magnitude of stat points players person per level, edit nan Game.ini record by running:

sudo nano /home/arkuser/arkserver/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/Game.ini

Then, modify nan pursuing lines:




Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even pinch a well-configured server, you whitethorn brushwood immoderate communal issues. Here are immoderate tips to place and resoluteness these problems effectively.

Server Crashes aliases Fails to Start

  1. Check nan server logs located successful nan ShooterGame/Saved/Logs directory to place immoderate errors aliases issues. Use this bid to position nan logs:

cat /home/arkuser/arkserver/ShooterGame/Saved/Logs/YourServerName.log

  1. Ensure your configuration files, GameUserSettings.ini and Game.ini, are correctly group up. Check for immoderate syntax errors aliases incorrect values.
  2. Make judge each basal limitations are installed connected your server. Reinstall immoderate missing packages.

Server Loses Characters aliases Progress

  1. Ensure your server is configured to prevention world information automatically. Check nan GameUserSettings.ini record for nan auto-save interval:


  1. Consider performing manual saves regularly. Type this bid successful Game Panel’s Console paper aliases ARK’s in-game console to prevention nan crippled manually:


How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (15)

Players Unable to Connect

  1. Check your router settings and firewall rules to make judge nan basal ports are open.
  2. For VPS utilizing a move IP, guarantee nan server’s IP reside is correctly updated successful nan server settings.
  3. Confirm that nan server is moving and accessible by executing nan pursuing command:

sudo systemctl position arkserver


In this guide, you’ve learned really to create a dedicated server for ARK utilizing Game Panel’s elemental personification interface and manually done nan bid line.

Both options connection unsocial advantages, whether you for illustration an easy setup aliases much power complete server customization.

For a soft and enjoyable acquisition erstwhile playing pinch friends, see fine-tuning server settings, customizing gameplay parameters, and updating your crippled lawsuit regularly.

Have nosy taming formidable dinosaurs and building awesome bases pinch chap survivors!

How to Run a Dedicated Server connected ARK FAQ

This conception answers nan astir communal questions connected moving dedicated ARK servers.

What Are nan Differences Between ARK: Survival Ascended and ARK: Survival Evolved?

ARK: Survival Ascended is an upgraded type of ARK: Survival Evolved, featuring enhanced graphics, improved performance, and caller content. It uses Unreal Engine 5 for amended visuals and includes quality-of-life improvements and further gameplay features.

Why Run a Dedicated ARK Server?

Running a dedicated ARK server offers amended power complete crippled settings, enhanced performance, and a much friendly gaming acquisition pinch friends. With a crippled server, you tin build a backstage community, customize crippled parameters, and guarantee reliable uptime and stability.

What Ports Do I Need to Open for My ARK Server?

You request to unfastened nan pursuing ports for your ARK server – Game Port (UDP 7777), Query Port (UDP 27015), Socket Port (UDP 7778), and RCON Port (TCP 27020). These ports guarantee due connectivity and functionality.

Can I Install Mods connected My ARK Server?

Yes, you tin instal mods connected your ARK server. Use nan Steam Workshop to subscribe to mods and adhd their Mod IDs to nan GameUserSettings.ini file. After that, restart your server for nan added mods to return effect.

How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (16)

The author

Ariffud Muhammad

Ariffud is simply a Technical Content Writer pinch an acquisition inheritance successful Informatics. He has extended expertise successful Linux and VPS, authoring complete 200 articles connected server guidance and web development. Follow him connected LinkedIn.

How to Run a Dedicated Server on ARK (2024)
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