How to start, write & sign off an email in Spanish: A useful guide (2024)

Sending formal business emails in Spanish doesn’t have to be an intimidating experience.

We get it, sending emails can often feel like a monotonous and drawn-out part of the workday. However, it doesn’t have to be as long as you learn some useful phrases for starting, writing, and ending your formal emails. With the right tools under your belt, writing an email in Spanish will feel just like any other part of your day!

Learning how to send a formal email in Spanish will make your everyday business communications so much easier. This will help you not only keep your job but stand out among your peers, perhaps leading to earning a well-deserved raise or closing bigger deals. Doing business in Spanish is an invaluable skill that can help you communicate with over 400 million people in more than 20 countries, and knowing how to send business emails in Spanish is an essential part of this!

We know how daunting it can feel to send your first few formal business emails in Spanish, which is why we’ve put together this extremely thorough guide. We’ll walk you through every single step of the way, from crafting the perfect subject line to closing out with the best sign-off and signature. Plus, we’ll also include various examples of business emails in Spanish for different occasions, so you can fully visualize yourself writing the best business email from start to finish.

And while writing an email in Spanish is very similar to writing a letter in Spanish, there are several differences to keep an eye on. As you can probably imagine, writing a formal email is generally less formal than writing a letter, so you’ll have to format them a little bit differently.

Ready to get started on those important business emails you need to write? Let’s jump right into everything you need to know to write the perfect Spanish business email!

How to start, write & sign off an email in Spanish: A useful guide (1)

How to write an email in Spanish

Writing an email in Spanish is generally much more formal than in English. If you’re a native English speaker, then you’re probably used to getting one or two-line emails from your colleagues every now and then. You may also get jokes, some memes, and perhaps see some English slang in professional emails, depending on the closeness of the relationships.

Spanish speakers use email in a much more formal way. If you’ve ever been to one of the Spanish-speaking countries, then you probably already know that the instant messaging app WhatsApp is extremely popular. Almost all informal communications take place over WhatsApp, and even some formal business negotiations happen over the instant messaging service, too.

That means that you should keep your emails extremely formal. All informal communication, including Spanish slang, can go on WhatsApp, when appropriate. However, don’t be surprised when your Spanish-speaking colleagues schedule important meetings over WhatsApp or discuss formal issues over text!

With that said, business emails are still incredibly important, especially when you’re establishing new connections in the Spanish-speaking world. Although some things are better communicated in a formal letter in Spanish, you’ll find that sending a business email isn’t just more convenient but also more appropriate in many scenarios. Let’s get you started with the very basics of writing and sending one.

Key email writing vocabulary to keep in mind

If you’ve never sent a formal Spanish email in your life, or even if you have, here are some important vocabulary words that you should be familiar with. Using them in a formal email is a great way to impress your colleagues and clients.

EmailEl correo electrónicocoh-reh-oh eh-lec-troh-nee-cohkoˈreo elekˈtɾoniko
Send an emailEnviar un correoehn-vee-are oon coh-reh-ohemˈbjaɾ un koˈreo
Subject lineEl sujetosoo-heh-toesuˈxeto
Email signatureLa firmafeer-mahˈfiɾma
InboxLa bandeja de entradabahn-deh-hah deh ehn-tra-dahbanˈdexa ðe enˈtɾaða
OutboxLa bandeja de salidabahn-deh-hah deh ehn-trah-dahbanˈdexa ðe saˈliða
DraftsLos borradoresboh-rah-doh-ressboraˈðoɾes
TrashLa basurabah-soo-rahbaˈsuɾa
JunkEl correo basuracoh-reh-oh bah-sooh-rahkoˈreo βaˈsuɾa
SpamEl correo no deseadocoh-reh-oh no deh-seh-ah-doekoˈreo ˈno ðeseˈaðo
ArchiveEl archivoare-chee-vohaɾˈʧiβo
SubjectEl asuntoah-soon-toeaˈsunto
Reply allReponder a todosress-pohn-dehr ah toh-dossresponˈdeɾ a ˈtoðos
New emailEl nuevo correonoo-eh-voh coh-reh-ohˈnweβo koˈreo
CCCon copia (CC)cohn coh-pee-ahkon ˈkopja
BCCCon copia oculta (CCO)cohn coh-pee-ah oh-cool-tahkon ˈkopja oˈkulta
AttachmentEl archivo adjuntoare-chee-voh ad-whon-toeaɾˈʧiβo aðˈxunto
ContentEl contenidocohn-teh-nee-doekonteˈniðo
SenderEl remitentereh-me-tehn-tehremiˈtente
RecipientsLos destinatariosdess-tee-nah-tah-ree-osdestinaˈtaɾjos
Auto responseLa autorespuestaah-ooh-toe-res-poo-ess-tahawtoɾesˈpwesta
Canned responsesLas respuestas pregrabadasres-poo-ess-tass preh-grah-bah-dassresˈpwestas pɾeɣɾaˈβaðas
At @El arroba @ah-roh-bahaˈroβa

Formatting a formal or business email

If you’re comfortable with writing formal emails in English, then you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that Spanish emails are formatted very similarly. Here are the main parts of a formal business email that you should consider:

  • Línea de asunto. This is the subject line, which includes the most important information in the email. In a sales email, the subject line might include an intriguing question or proposition to entice the reader to click on it.
  • Saludo inicial. The initial greeting addresses the receiver by name if you know it. Otherwise, you can use “A quién corresponda,” which is the Spanish equivalent of “to whom it may concern.”
  • Introducción/presentación. The introduction generally starts with a short sentence wishing the receiver is doing well and is followed by a brief sentence introducing the topic of the email.
  • Cuerpo. The body of the email is where you can get into the details of your request or the information that you need to communicate. Remember to keep your paragraphs short, and avoid being wordy whenever possible!
  • Saludo de despedida. To sign off, you’ll want to thank them for their time in a short sentence followed by a very brief farewell in a separate line.
  • Firma. The signature is the very last part of a formal email. This includes all your contact information as well as your current role in your organization.

How to start, write & sign off an email in Spanish: A useful guide (2)

How to write a formal or business email

Now that you’re familiar with each part of the formal business email, we’ll take our time and work through each of them one by one. We’ll also provide you with a few examples of each, so you’ll be able to write your email right away if you’re in a rush!

The very first thing you need to know about writing a formal business email is that you should stick to using the formal usted instead of the informal . If you’ve already learned how to use tú vs. usted in Spanish, then you should have no problem using the formal Spanish pronoun to refer to the receiver of your email. Otherwise, make sure to brush up on this skill, as using usted and conjugating your verbs accordingly is a very important part of writing a formal email.

Now, let’s take a closer look at each individual part of an email.

How to start, write & sign off an email in Spanish: A useful guide (3)

Email subject lines in Spanish

The subject line in Spanish is called el asunto (ah-soon-toe). As in English, Spanish subject lines should be succinct and include the most important or essential part of the email. For example, an email containing an invoice from a vendor would include the invoice number in the subject line.

Additionally, you can add special notes in the subject line if you need to communicate something special or urgent to the receiver. For example, if something requires immediate attention, you can start your subject line with “URGENTE” (URGENT) followed by a semicolon and the rest of your subject line. Just be sure not to use this too often, as you don’t want to be the boy who cried wolf!

Another thing to keep in mind when writing email subject lines in Spanish is that we use sentence case for them instead of title case. That means you don’t need to worry about any special capitalization rules — just follow the normal rules you’d follow when writing in a regular sentence.

Here are some examples of common subject lines you might encounter in a business setting:

Your Invoice #277834Su recibo #277834Soo reh-see-boh noo-meh-roh dos see-eh-teh see-eh-teh oh-cho trehs coo-ah-trohsu reˈθiβo ˈnumeɾo ˈðos ˈsjete ˈsjete ˈoʧo ˈtɾes ˈkwatɾo
Summary of Your Monthly TransactionsResumen de sus transacciones del mesreh-soo-men deh soos tran-sac-see-oh-ness dell mesreˈsumen de sus tɾansakˈθjonez ðel ˈmes
Rescheduling the Marketing Team’s Monthly MeetingReagendar la junta mensual del departamento de marketingreh-ah-hehn-dahr la hoon-tah mehn-soo-ahl dell deh-par-tah-mehn-toe deh mar-keh-teengreaxenˈdaɾ ˈxunta menˈswal del depaɾtaˈmento ðe maɾkeˈtinɡ
Following Up On Case #77273Seguimiento al caso #77273seh-gee-mee-ehn-toe ahl cah-so noo-meh-roh see-eh-teh see-eh-teh dos see-eh-teh trehsseɣiˈmjento al ˈkaso ˈnumeɾo ˈsjete ˈsjete ˈðos ˈsjete ˈtɾes
Welcome to the Berlitz familyBienvenidos a la familia de Berlitzbee-ehn-veh-nee-dos ah la fah-me-lee-ah deh behr-leetzbjembeˈniðos a la faˈmilja ðe βeɾˈlitθ
Introducing the new sales manager to Grupo MéxicoIntroducción del nuevo gerente de ventas al Grupo Méxicoeen-troh-dooc-see-ohn dell noo-eh-voh heh-rehn-teh deh vehn-tass all groo-poh meh-he-cohintɾoðukˈθjon del ˈnweβo xeˈɾente ðe ˈβentas al ˈɣɾupo ˈmexiko
Don’t miss out on the exclusive october deals.¡No se pierda las promociones exclusivas de octubre!noh seh pee-air-dah lahs proh-moh-see-oh-ness ex-cloo-see-vas deh oc-too-brehˈno se ˈpjeɾða las pɾomoˈθjones ekskluˈsiβaz ðe okˈtuβɾe
Enjoy a brand new cellphone with this incredible deal!¡Estrene un nuevo celular con esta increíble oferta!ess-treh-neh oon noo-eh-voh seh-loo-lar cohn ess-tah een-creh-ee-bleh oh-fehr-tahesˈtɾene wn ˈnweβo θeluˈlaɾ kon ˈesta jnkɾeˈiβle oˈfeɾta

Email greetings in Spanish

The greeting in Spanish is very similar to greetings in English. If you know the person's name, then you have a few word options to use before their name. If you don’t know the name of the person, then you may simply address your letter “a quién corresponda,” which is the Spanish equivalent of “to whom it may concern”.

The one thing you should keep in mind when writing email greetings in Spanish is that we use a colon instead of a comma after the initial address. For example, in English, the email greeting would look like:

  • Dear James,

Whereas in Spanish, it would look like:

  • Querido Jaime:

While many people will still use a comma in Spanish instead of a colon, using a colon is the correct way to do it according to the Real Academia Española.

Here are a few examples of Spanish greetings:

To whom it may concern,A quién corresponda:ah key-ehn coh-ress pon-daha ˈkjen koresˈponda
Dear Mr. _____, / Dear Mrs. _____,Estimado Señor _____: / Estimada Señora _____:ess-tee-ma-doh seh-nyor _____: / ess-tee-mah dah seh-nyor-ah _____.estiˈmaðo seˈɲoɾ _____: / estiˈmaða seˈɲoɾa _____:
Dear Mr. _____, / Dear Mrs. _____,Apreciado Señor _____: / Apreciada Señora _____:ah-preh-see-ah-doh seh-nyor _____: / ah-preh-see-ah-dah seh-nyoh-rahapɾeˈθjaðo seˈɲoɾ _____: / apɾeˈθjaða seˈɲoɾa _____:
Distinguished Mr. _____, / Distinguished Mrs. _____,Distinguido Señor _____: / DIstinguida Señora _____:dees-teen-gee-doh seh-nyor _____: / dees-teen-gee-dah seh-nyor-ah _____:distinˈɡiðo seˈɲoɾ _____: / distinˈɡiða seˈɲoɾa _____:
Mr. _____, / Mrs. _____,Don _____: / Doña _____:don _____: / doh-nyah_____:ˈdon _____: / ˈdoɲa _____:

How to start an email in Spanish

Once you’ve done the initial greeting, you will want to follow up with a brief presentation if you haven’t interacted with this person before or if you don’t do it very often. A quick refresher of who you are and what your position is or what company you work for can be greatly appreciated when emailing people you don’t work with all that often.

After this introduction, you can summarize the topic of your email in a very brief sentence. Think of it as a launching pad for the body of your email. Keep in mind that these introductions tend to be abundantly formal, so they will sound a little weird outside of this context. Stick to only using them in formal email contexts. As you’ll see in the English translations, they even sound a bit unnatural in English!

I hope you’re doing well.Espero que se encuentre bien.ess-peh-roh keh seh ehn-coo-ehn-treh bee-ehnesˈpeɾo ˈke se enˈkwentɾe ˈβjen
I hope this email finds you well.Espero que este correo le encuentre bien.ehs-peh-roh keh ess-teh coh-reh-oh leh ehn-coo-ehn-treh bee-ehnesˈpeɾo ˈke ˈeste koˈreo le enˈkwentɾe ˈβjen
It’s a pleasure to greet you through this email.Un gusto saludarle por este medio.oon goose-toe sah-loo-dar-teh pore ess-teh meh-dee-ohun ˈɡusto saluˈðaɾle poɾ ˈeste ˈmeðjo
I’m writing on behalf of _____.Le escribo de parte de _____.leh ess-cree-boh deh par-teh deh _____.le esˈkɾiβo ðe ˈpaɾte ðe
My name is _____ and I work at _____.Mi nombre es ____ y trabajo en nom-breh ess _____ y tra-bah-hoh ehn _____.mi ˈnombɾe ˈes | i tɾaˈβaxo en
I’m _____ and I’m a _____.Soy _____ y me dedico a _____ e meh deh-dee-coh ah _____.ˈsoj | i me ðeˈðiko a
I’m _____ and I’m getting in touch with you to _____.Soy _____ y me pongo en contacto para _____ e meh pohn-goh ehn con-tac-toe pah-rah _____.ˈsoj | i me ˈponɡo en konˈtakto ˈpaɾa
I’m writing to _____.Le escribo para ______.leh ess-cree-boh pah-rah _____.le esˈkɾiβo ˈpaɾa
I’m writing to you with the endgoal of _____.Me dirijo a usted con el fin de _____.meh dee-re-ho ah oos-tehd cohn elle feen deh ðiˈɾixo a wsˈteð kon el ˈfin de _____.
I’m writing to confirm the delivery address of your latest purchase.Le escribo para confirmar la dirección de envío de su última compra.leh ess-cree-boh pah-rah cohn-feer-mar la dee-rec-see-ohn deh ehn-vee-oh deh soo ool-tee-mah com-prahle esˈkɾiβo ˈpaɾa komfiɾˈmaɾ la ðiɾekˈθjon de emˈbio ðe su ˈultima ˈkompɾa
I’m getting in touch to discuss next quarter’s marketing strategy.Me pongo en contacto para discutir la estrategia de marketing del próximo trimestre.Meh pohn-goh ehn con-tac-toe pah-rah dees-coo-teer la ess-trah-teh-he-ah deh mar-keh-teeng dell prox-e-moh tree-mess-trehme ˈponɡo en konˈtakto ˈpaɾa ðiskuˈtiɾ la estɾaˈtexja ðe maɾkeˈtinɡ ðel ˈpɾoksimo tɾiˈmestɾe

How to end or sign off an email in Spanish formally

Once you’ve written your work of art of an email, you’re going to want an equally impressive way to close it out. The most common closing format is to include a line telling them that you’re grateful for their time followed by a line bidding them farewell. If you’re awaiting a response from them, then this might also be the time to let them know that you await their reply. Here are some options:

Thank you in advance for your attention.De antemano gracias por su atención.deh ahn-teh-mah-noh grah-see-ass pore soo ah-tehn-see-ohnde anteˈmano ˈɣɾaθjas poɾ sw atenˈθjon
Thank you for your time and attention.Muchas gracias por su tiempo y atención.moo-chas grah-see-ass pore soo tee-ehm-poh e ah-tehn-see-ohnˈmuʧaz ˈɣɾaθjas poɾ su ˈtjempo j atenˈθjon
I await your comments.Quedo a la espera de sus comentarios.keh-doh ah la ess-peh-rah deh soos coh-mehn-tah-ree-osˈkeðo a la esˈpeɾa ðe sus komenˈtaɾjos
I await your response.Quedo a la espera de su respuesta.keh-doh ah la ess-peh-rah deh soo ress-poo-ess-tahˈkeðo a la esˈpeɾa ðe su resˈpwesta
I am at your service should the need arise.Cualquier cosa estoy a su disposición.coo-all-key-air coh-sah ess-toy ah soo dees-poh-see-see-ohnkwalˈkjeɾ ˈkosa esˈtoj a su ðisposiˈθjon
I cordially anticipate your polite response.Espero cordialmente su amable respuesta.ess-peh-roh core-dee-all-mehn-teh sue ah-mah-bleh ress-poo-ess-tahesˈpeɾo koɾðjalˈmente sw aˈmaβle resˈpwesta ‖
Cordial greetings,Saludos cordiales,sah-loo-doss core-dee-ah-lesssaˈluðos koɾˈðjales
I greet you sincrerelyLe saludo atentamente,leh sah-loo-doh ah-tehn-tah-mehn-tehle saˈluðo atentaˈmente

Email signatures in Spanish

Crafting an email signature in Spanish is remarkably similar to writing one in English. You’ll want to include much of the same information you’d include in an English signature, like:

  • Full name
  • Job title
  • Company name
  • Work phone
  • Mobile phone (optional)
  • Work address
  • Email address
  • Photo

Plus any other information that may be relevant in your field, such as your degrees or special certifications. You can also feel free to combine multiple points in one line. For example, here’s an example of what a Spanish email signature would look like:

Marco Monroy
Escritor de contenido | Berlitz
+52 100-2000-3000 |
Calle Maximilian 202, CDMX 03300

Examples of formal or business emails in Spanish

Now that you’re familiar with common subject lines, greetings, sign-offs, and more, let’s take a look at a few complete examples of business emails in Spanish. We’ll cover a few different types of formal emails to help you visualize your needs, no matter what you need to write a formal email for.

How to start, write & sign off an email in Spanish: A useful guide (4)

Example of a formal thank you email

Estimada Licenciada Rodríguez:

Espero se encuentre bien. Le escribo para agradecerle genuinamente por tomar el tiempo de entrevistarme esta mañana.

De igual manera, me gustaría reiterar mi compromiso con el desarrollo de tecnología sustentable y el cuidado al medio ambiente. Por ende, me parece que este puesto en su compañía sería el lugar indicado para desarrollar mis habilidades y lograr mis metas.

Le agradezco amablemente de haber tomado el tiempo de hablar conmigo esta mañana. Para mí fue un placer tener la oportunidad de entrevistar con una empresa de vanguardia en el medio ambiente.

Muchas gracias por su atención.

Saludos cordiales,

Fernando Pérez Gómez

Example of a formal request email

Estimado Miguel:

Espero se encuentre bien. Nos conocimos ayer en la Conferencia Nacional de Agrónomos y me gustaría agendar una cita con usted para discutir cómo mi fertilizante podría ser beneficioso para su empresa.

Nuestros clientes han logrado mejorar sus cosechas por un 25% al utilizar nuestro fertilizante, lo que ayuda a reducir costos e incrementar ganancias. Además, nuestro fertilizante está hecho con ingredientes 100% naturales, así que no agrega partículas tóxicas a sus cultivos.

Por favor, indíqueme cuándo sería posible tener una breve conversación con usted, ya sea por llamada o en persona.

Quedo en espera a su amable respuesta.

Saludos cordiales,

Alejandra Almaguer Rosales

Example of a formal welcome or introduction email

Estimado Juan:

Espero se encuentre bien. Con este correo, me gustaría darle la bienvenida oficialmente a Berlitz.

En esta compañía, nos enfocamos en hacer sentir a cada miembro del equipo como una parte integral de nuestra familia. Lo más importante para nosotros que usted se sienta cómodo y cuente con todo lo que necesite para ofrecer el más alto servicio a nuestros clientes.

Por ende, quisiera poner a disposición mi correo electrónico y número de teléfono para que se comunique conmigo por cualquier razón. La puerta de mi oficina siempre estará abierta para discutir cualquier duda o manera en la que podamos mejorar nuestra atención hacia usted.

Sin más por el momento, quedo a su disposición.

¡Bienvenido a la familia Berlitz!

Maximilian Berlitz

Example of a formal written warning email

Estimado Jorge:

Espero se encuentre bien. Por medio de la presente, queremos indicarle que cuenta con una advertencia formal por retardo.

Usted llegó más de 15 minutos después de su hora de entrada en las siguientes fechas:

  • 15 de mayo de 2022
  • 23 de mayo de 2022
  • 3 de junio de 2022

Con estos tres retardos, usted ahora cuenta con su primera advertencia formal por retardo. Le recordamos que tres advertencias formales por retardo podrían resultar en la terminación inmediata de su relación laboral con nosotros.

Le rogamos tomar las medidas necesarias para evitar que esto vuelva a suceder. Recuerde que contamos con el programa de empleado puntual del mes, donde el empleado que logre adherirse a su horario establecido con mayor puntualidad recibirá una tarjeta de regalo para su restaurante favorito.

Sin más por el momento, le agradezco por su atención.


Rodrigo Olivera Robles

Example of a formal sales email

Estimado cliente:

Por medio de la presente, nos complace informarle de nuestras nuevas ofertas primaverales en la tienda en línea de Planterra.

A partir de hoy y hasta el 31 de mayo, todos nuestros clientes podrán disfrutar de un descuento exclusivo del 20 % sobre el precio final de cualquier producto. Esto aplica para nuestros productos de temporada y nuestros productos cotidianos.

Si usted desea aprovechar este descuento, por favor inicie sesión como miembro de nuestra página web. De inmediato, usted podrá tener acceso a nuestros precios reducidos por esta gran promoción.

Sin más por el momento, le deseamos lo mejor en esta época primaveral.

Saludos cordiales,

El equipo de Planterra

Example of a referral email

Querida Marcela:

Me complace mucho saludarla. El motivo de este correo es para conectarla con mi cliente actual, don Federico, quien busca recibir servicios de relaciones públicas.

Recientemente, don Federico firmó un contrato con mi empresa para prestar servicios de marketing digital. Desde entonces, don Federico ha demostrado interés en contratar servicios de relaciones públicas. Por ende, no dudé en pensar en su empresa como una excelente opción para don Federico.

Me gustaría presentarlos para que puedan discutir acerca de oportunidades para trabajar juntos y lograr sus objetivos. Cualquier cosa, estoy disponible para agendar una cita o llamada.

Quedo al pendiente de cualquier duda o comentario.

Saludos cordiales,

Claudia Lizeth Gonzáles Castro

Example of a shipping confirmation email

Estimado cliente:

Esperamos que se encuentre bien. Nos complace indicarle que sus productos del pedido #70209933945 van en camino a usted.

Hemos enviado el producto a la dirección de envío proporcionada en el momento de la compra, por lo que ya no es posible hacer cambios a la dirección de entrega. Sin embargo, se puede poner en contacto con la compañía de envíos para cualquier aclaración o duda.

Su código de rastreo es AH-02033-405506-XBY. Puede utilizar este número de guía para rastrear su paquete directamente con la compañía fletera.

¡No podemos esperar por que disfrute de sus productos!

Saludos cordiales,

El equipo de Planterra

Unleash your business prowess with the best formal emails in Spanish

Now that you know the best practices for crafting the perfect business email in Spanish, you can set out to conquer new markets. From forging business relationships with new vendors to finding customers in new regions, there is no shortage of things you can accomplish with a good business email.

And, if you’ve read our ultimate Spanish business guide, then you already know that doing business in Spanish-speaking regions is very heavily tilted toward personal relationships. That means that you’ll likely have to develop a certain level of familiarity before going into business with a colleague, which often involves shifting the communications to a more informal means like WhatsApp. So, consider it a blessing if you’ve reached a point in your relationships where you’ve graduated out of sending formal emails!

For more helpful guides on all things Spanish, check out our free Spanish blog. We regularly publish content answering your most burning questions in Spanish, like how to conjugate the verb decir and what the difference is between saber and conocer.

How to start, write & sign off an email in Spanish: A useful guide (2024)


How to start, write & sign off an email in Spanish: A useful guide? ›

The most common way to introduce yourself in Spanish is to say "Me llamo" followed by your name. Alternatives include "Mi nombre es" or "Soy" followed by your name. "Hola" can be used for either "hi" or "hello."

How do I sign off an email in Spanish formally? ›

Let's see what the options are when it comes to Spanish:
  1. Saludos cordiales – Best regards.
  2. Atentamente/Sinceramente – Sincerely.
  3. Cordialmente – Cordially.
  4. Esperando su repuesta – Waiting for your reply.
  5. Para cualquier cosa estoy a su disposición – I am at your disposal for anything you need.
Sep 16, 2019

How do you start and sign off an email? ›

Starting an email in English
  1. Dear. This is a safe, formal and polite way of addressing somebody, particularly if you have not communicated with them before.
  2. Hello. 'Hello' has a mixture of formality, politeness and friendliness. ...
  3. Hi. 'Hi' is much more informal. ...
  4. Yours sincerely. ...
  5. Kind regards / Best regards. ...
  6. Best wishes.
Feb 12, 2020

How do you introduce yourself in an email in Spanish? ›

The most common way to introduce yourself in Spanish is to say "Me llamo" followed by your name. Alternatives include "Mi nombre es" or "Soy" followed by your name. "Hola" can be used for either "hi" or "hello."

How do you politely sign off an informal email? ›

Using a casual email sign off can help build friendly relationships in a less formal business world. Here are some suggestions: Warm and Friendly: “Warmest regards,” “Warmly,” “Cheers!” Express Gratitude: “Thanks,” “Many thanks,” “Thanks so much.”

How do you say "best wishes" in Spanish? ›

How to say good luck in Spanish
Best wishes.Mis mejores deseos.miz meˈxoɾez ðeˈseos
I wish you a nice trip!¡Buen viaje!ˈbwem ˈbjaxe ‖
I hope you have good luck.Que tengas buena suerte.ˈke ˈtenɡaz ˈβwena ˈsweɾte
I hope you have a lot of luck.Que tengas mucha suerte.ˈke ˈtenɡaz ˈmuʧa ˈsweɾte
31 more rows
Nov 8, 2022

How to start and end an email professionally? ›

How do you start and end an email?
  1. Use a salutation.
  2. In a formal situation, go old-school.
  3. Be careful with thanks.
  4. Do sign off.
  5. Don't abbreviate.

What is a good closing sentence in an email? ›

To close a professional email effectively, use a concise and courteous closing line followed by your name. Common closing lines include "Best regards," "Sincerely," "Thank you," "Yours," and "Regards." After the closing line, type your full name to add a personal touch and authenticate your message.

What is the best sign-off for an email? ›

Professional email sign offs
  • Yours Sincerely / Sincerely, [Your Name] ...
  • Yours truly, [Your Name] ...
  • With gratitude, [Your Name] ...
  • Respectfully / Respectfully yours, [Your Name] ...
  • Looking forward to hearing from you. ...
  • Best wishes. ...
  • Warmly, [Your Name] ...
  • With appreciation, [Your Name]
Apr 10, 2024

How do Spanish people end a letter? ›

as "sincerely" in English, is atentamente. That can also be expanded to le saluda atentamente or les saluda atentamente, depending on whether you're writing to one or to more persons, respectively. A more casual ending that can be used in business letters is cordialmente.

What is the salutation for a Spanish letter? ›

Written Letters or Emails
SpanishEnglish equivalentFormality
Estimado señor/señora/señores:Dear Sir/Madam/All,Formal
Estimado Sr./Sra./Srta. [last name]:Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss [last name],Formal
Distinguido señor (/etc.):Dear Sir(/etc.),Formal
Muy señor mío/señores míos:Dear Sir/Sirs(/etc.),Formal
11 more rows

How do you say to mail a letter in Spanish? ›

"mail a letter" in Spanish
  1. enviar una carta.
  2. volume_up. enviar una carta por correo.

How do you start an email in Spanish politely? ›

How to Begin an Email in Spanish
  1. Hola. This is a pretty standard email greeting in Spanish. ...
  2. Buenos días/tardes. ...
  3. Querido/a. ...
  4. A quien corresponda. ...
  5. Apreciado señor/a o señorita. ...
  6. Un saludo. ...
  7. Espero tus noticias. ...
  8. Espero tu repuesta pronto.

What is the subject line of a Spanish email? ›

The subject line in Spanish is called el asunto (ah-soon-toe). As in English, Spanish subject lines should be succinct and include the most important or essential part of the email. For example, an email containing an invoice from a vendor would include the invoice number in the subject line.

How do I end a formal email? ›

Here are a few of the most common ways to end a professional email:
  1. Best.
  2. Sincerely.
  3. Regards.
  4. Thank you.
  5. Respectfully.
  6. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  7. Looking forward to our meeting.
  8. Thank you for your consideration.
Apr 8, 2024

Is Buenos Dias formal or informal? ›

Initial Greetings
SpanishEnglish equivalentFormality
Buenos díasGood morningSlightly formal
Buenas tardesGood afternoonSlightly formal
Buenas nochesGood night/Good eveningSlightly formal
Muy buenas/buenasShort version of all the aboveInformal
1 more row

How do you sign off a cover letter in Spanish? ›

To end the letter in the best way possible, use expressions such as En espera de sus noticias, le saluda atentamente ('waiting for your reply, sending you sincere regards') and remember to sign the letter with your name.

How do I sign off a letter in Spanish with love? ›

You could end your letter with “Con amor” (“With love”) or “Con cariño” (“With affection”). “Besos y abrazos” (“hugs and kisses”) is another cute and affectionate way to end a letter to someone you love.

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